I have been trying different setups and IDEs to do some python development work and while Eclipse remains my favorite for Java, I decided to start using Sublime Text 2 for proper python/ruby development.  These are the plugins that I have been using so far that make ST2 even better than what it is.
Package ControlÂ
You can’t do without this one. Â This has to be your first plugin installed and the installation has to be done manually. Â Follow the installation instructions on it’s website and from there on, installing plugins will be a breeze: All you need to do is press ctrl-shift-p (on Windows/Linux) or cmd-shift-p (on mac) and type “install” in the box that pops up and press enter on Package Control: Install command, search for the desired plugin and voila, it’s ready to go.Â
All Autocomplete
This excellent plugin extends the built-in autocompletion to find matches in all open files. Â If you are working inside a project, this is extremely helpful.
Bracket Highlighter
Ever been stuck in a source code with a huge amount of brackets, braces, tags… and you are trying to find where the heck does that curly brace closes? Â Bracket Highlighter will help you figure that out. Â Bracket Highlighter matches a variety of brackets such as:Â []
, ()
, {}
, ""
, ''
, <tag></tag>
, and even custom brackets.
Case Conversion
Case conversion plugin helps you convert your functions/variable naming style in different versions that exists, convert from camel case (camelCase) to snake case (snake_case) with just a press of the correct key-binding! check it out.Â
Previously known as zen-coding, this plugin will help you improve your workflow if you are doing a lot of HTML and CSS coding. Get support on their site:Â http://emmet.io/
What this does goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway: integrate git with ST2
Sublime CodeIntel
This is a Full-featured code intelligence and smart autocomplete engine and you definitely need it.
Sublime Linter
SublimeLinter is a plugin that supports “lint” programs (known as “linters”). SublimeLinter highlights lines of code the linter deems to contain (potential) errors. It also supports highlighting special annotations (for example: TODO) so that they can be quickly located.
Sublime REPL
This plugin will help you run an interpreter inside ST2 and if you are doing python or Ruby programming, it will be of great help.
Sublime Rope
This plugin will add Python completions and some IDE-like functions to Sublime Text 2.  You do need to turn your project into a Rope project for it to work like an IDE, to accomplish that, you can press Ctrl-Shift-P and type rope and then select “New Project” from the list.  Look at the bottom of the screen and enter the project details.  Now Rope should be able to find the modules in your current project as well.  There is more documentation for Rope at : http://sublimerope.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
Sidebar Enhancements
This one will help you add more functionality to the sidebar and the menus that come with the sidebar.
Modific helps you get a look at what changes were made since the last commit by highlighting the lines, helping you see diff in ST2, preview changes, revert changes, and see uncommitted files. Â Handy plugin for those active projects.
Ruby Tests
Run Ruby tests from ST, unit tests, cucumber tests, RSpec tests. Â Another handy plugin for Ruby devs out there.
For Ruby, also have a look at Sublime-guard, Sublime-ERB, Beautify Ruby and a few more useful plugins that I haven’t used or tested but seems like a good thing to keep in mind at this nettuts link
These plugins will definitely enhance the ST2 experience. Â For those looking for plugins for ST3, keep in mind that Sublime CodeIntel is not yet available on ST3… I’ll be keeping my eyes on that one. Â I hope this post helps someone or the other out there.
One response to “Some useful Sublime Text 2 Plugins”
RT @amitmalhotra8: Some useful Sublime Text 2 Plugins: I have been trying different setups and IDEs to do some python developm… http://t.…