Good Looking Burgers — What’s the secret?
Well here’s an interesting movie to watch [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUjz_eiIX8k]
Onions and Flu — Beneficial or not?
There’s no doubt that onions can be extremely beneficial for health when eaten. Some of the benefits are: anti-inflammatory anti-carcinogen anti-cholestrol anti-oxydant (they contain quercetin, an antioxydant, other major sources of quercetin are tea and apples) Aphrodisiac (in fact some sects in India don’t consume onion due to that reason) Can be used to treat…
Did you know?
Here’s one that demonstrates your brain power! In a contest, people were shown a photograph of six mothers and their six children, arranged randomly in a group. Contestants strangers to the photographed group were asked to link the six mother and child pairs. Forty people responded, and each had paired all of the mothers and…
Did you know?
So these circulate all the time in those pesky forwarded emails. I thought Why not have a space for them on the blog? Besides, if any readers fumble on this post and can debunk any of these, it’d be fun and one would learn something as well. Using “Google is my friend”, I have debunked…