Drupal: Adding a “More from this author” block using CCK author field
[ad name=”linkunit468x15″] Problem: Show a “More From this author” Block on nodes of specific types without using the $uid variable provided by Drupal. Let’s assume that you don’t want to use the “Posted by: username” on your stories/nodes, but rather you have your own CCK field setup to display the name of the author. Now…
Drupal — the design errors that just won’t go away!
Recently, while designing a site in Drupal using the theme acquia prosper (awesome theme, very customizable, gives a lot of control without you needing to go deep into theme css files or sub-theming), I just happened to fumble upon a few things that just wouldn’t go away.. ah the hours wasted! Well if this can…
Drupal Updating / Upgrading
Updating or Upgrading Drupal is not an easy task. Compared to WordPress, where the updating is simply a mouse-click away, Drupal requires you to do certain things that can take a bit of time in extremely extensive sites. I recently had to update my Drupal installation from 6.12 to 6.14 Now this being my first…
Drupal 6 Installation issues
Drupal 6 requires php directive “register_globals” to be off. This is not always the case depending on your hosting environment or even your own requirements as Drupal may not be the only thing residing on your virtual server. There are several work arounds for the issue if you come across an error during installation asking…