Bitnami + Virtualbox – Host Only Network
Bitnami Stacks are a convenient way to get quick VMs to test out some piece of code or another and with Virtualbox, it works out great as you get a free quick pre-installed stack to develop / test your application. Â Recently I downloaded a few of these to help me out in my classes and…
[Arch Linux] Root device mounted succesfully but /sbin/init does not exist
So I decided to install Arch.  Installation was relatively straightforward following this EXCELLENT beginners installation guide. Had no issues whatsoever as I wasn’t going for anything fancy, no dual boot, removed windows all together and just did a simple partition of the harddrive, though left Dell’s recovery drive in there and made two new partitions, SDA2…
Ubuntu 12.04: Adding new screen resolutions under virtualbox
This is more to keep a record of what I had to do to fix the display setting on my Ubuntu 12.04 VM under Virtualbox 4.2 To be sure to use native resolutions, do a guest addition install. Â Doing the install fixed my issues, however, when I rebooted the machine a bit later after doing…
Scribus – Page Numbering
So I have been working with Scribus for the last few days for a project at work. Being on Linux, I always look for software that let me do what needs to be done that are opensource, Scribus ended up being the perfect desktop publishing solution that works on Linux. If you are looking for…
Converting flv to mpg in Ubuntu
In case you ever need to convert one of those flash videos that you find all over the web these days (for example on youtube.com), you can use your linux box very easily to do so. But first, download the .flv (flash video) file from the website. To do that, use “unplug” addon for Mozilla…