Category: Urdu Poetry Technicalities

  • Technicalities of Ghazal III – Digging Deeper

    Click on the parts to read the previous articles in this series:  Part I, Part II [ad name=”linkunit468x15″] Now that we know how to weigh the words according to their sounds, it’s time to move on and see how we can fit these words in a meter. Lets start off with the answers to the…

  • Technicalities of Ghazal II – Weighing your words!

    Click to read the previous article in this series:  Part I [ad name=”linkunit468x15″] Part II of the series: We will talk about what do we mean when we discuss the weight of a word in Urdu poetry. Before we begin, let me clarify something, I have no pure technical knowledge of how the meter works…

  • Technicalities of Ghazal I

    [ad name=”linkunit468x15″] While there are several good articles out on the internet about the technicalities of ghazals and how to ensure that you are writing in meter, I thought I might as well add something myself as despite sending a lot of friends to those links, I find that people understand better when I explain…