Category: techno-babble

  • Bitnami + Virtualbox – Host Only Network

    Bitnami Stacks are a convenient way to get quick VMs to test out some piece of code or another and with Virtualbox, it works out great as you get a free quick pre-installed stack to develop / test your application.  Recently I downloaded a few of these to help me out in my classes and…

  • [Arch Linux] Root device mounted succesfully but /sbin/init does not exist

    So I decided to install Arch.  Installation was relatively straightforward following this EXCELLENT beginners installation guide. Had no issues whatsoever as I wasn’t going for anything fancy, no dual boot, removed windows all together and just did a simple partition of the harddrive, though left Dell’s recovery drive in there and made two new partitions, SDA2…

  • Some useful Sublime Text 2 Plugins

    I have been trying different setups and IDEs to do some python development work and while Eclipse remains my favorite for Java, I decided to start using Sublime Text 2 for proper python/ruby development.  These are the plugins that I have been using so far that make ST2 even better than what it is. Package Control  You…

  • Ubuntu 12.04: Adding new screen resolutions under virtualbox

    This is more to keep a record of what I had to do to fix the display setting on my Ubuntu 12.04 VM under Virtualbox 4.2 To be sure to use native resolutions, do a guest addition install.  Doing the install fixed my issues, however, when I rebooted the machine a bit later after doing…

  • Python RE Module: Word Boundaries

    In regular expressions, the token “\b” is used for “word boundaries”.  It will match at the start or at the end of a word.  It is called an “anchor“.  To match a full word in a string, it should be used as “\bcat\b” if we are looking for the word cat and will match the…