Tag: My French Poems

  • Vie

    This was my first French poem ever, written on 07/May/1992, sitting in a french class while looking at a really pretty “Quebecoise”…. Considering I was writing a poem in French while the teacher was talking makes it ok, at least I was doing something to improve my French. Here ya go: Les cheveux comme les…

  • Toi

    My second French poem, written while sitting in the college cafeteria in September 1993… what else there is to do when you are sitting in the cafeteria right? Toi La lumière de l’astre des nuits la flamme de l’astre des jours la couleur de la nuit sans lune tout est contenu dans tes très beaux…

  • Sang

    I figured, while I’m just filling up my blog with stuff, let’s post more of my old French poems, they do need a place!  So here’s another poem that differed greatly from my normal style of writing, which usually includes love poems. The poem was written on 13/Sep/1994, during my college days. Sang (blood) was…

  • Questions

    This poem was written in 1994. The poem represents some of the questions my mind still can’t find any answers to. However, the search is on. I stopped writing French poetry in 1995 and this, according to me, is one of the best poems I wrote. Although, I’m being extremely subjective in my assessment and…