Tag: music video

  • suu kare chhe – The Bilz & Kashif

    On October 15, 2012, The Bilz and Kashif released a free track entitled “suu kare chhe”.  I also wrote the Hindi lyrics for that song, so here it is.. enjoy! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQpcMDsE3WQ] Here are the lyrics: Su Kare Che Artist: The Bilz & Kashif Hindi Lyrics : Amit Malhotra “Tanhaa” English Lyrics: Kashif Khan Composed by: Subir “Master-D”…

  • Tere nainon mein – Bilz & Kashif

    I wrote a few more songs for the upcoming album by Bilz and Kashif, entitled “Trinity”. Here are the lyrics for their latest block-buster hit which has gotten many hits on youtube in the few days it’s been online. The  Hindi lyrics were written by DJ AKS and co-written by myself  (as credited on the…

  • The BILZ new song — Against All Odds

    Sick track! Sounds awesome! and the video looks great! [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbWjHJs7xnc] Get it on iTunes!

  • Heer-Ranjha — The BILZ & Kashif

    The BILZ & Kashif have come out with two new tracks recently, one of which was written by me (the Punjabi Lyrics that is), so ideal to post the song here and .. voila: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKEhJ_-GqbY] You can go ahead and buy the tune on iTunes, in fact get on it right now and buy it!…