Tag: urdu poetry

  • jinhe naaz hai hind par vo kahaan hain

    This nazm is an absolute beauty.  An image of our world – as it was and as it is now.  You can find the transcript of this nazm at my site www.sahirludhianvi.com but here’s a video of the song from the movie pyasa sent to me by a reader of Sahir Ludhianvi blog (Thanks Ashwin).…

  • vo jo ham meiN tum meiN

    oh this ghazal can so easily make you think about time gone by. you can just read the words, listen to them in the voice of many Ghazal singers who sang this…. and then just get lost… wo jo ham meiN tum meiN qaraar thaa, tumheiN yaad ho k na yaad ho vahii yaanii vaadaa…

  • Technicalities of Ghazal III – Digging Deeper

    Click on the parts to read the previous articles in this series:  Part I, Part II [ad name=”linkunit468x15″] Now that we know how to weigh the words according to their sounds, it’s time to move on and see how we can fit these words in a meter. Lets start off with the answers to the…

  • Technicalities of Ghazal II – Weighing your words!

    Click to read the previous article in this series:  Part I [ad name=”linkunit468x15″] Part II of the series: We will talk about what do we mean when we discuss the weight of a word in Urdu poetry. Before we begin, let me clarify something, I have no pure technical knowledge of how the meter works…

  • Technicalities of Ghazal I

    [ad name=”linkunit468x15″] While there are several good articles out on the internet about the technicalities of ghazals and how to ensure that you are writing in meter, I thought I might as well add something myself as despite sending a lot of friends to those links, I find that people understand better when I explain…